Rachel Simone Weil http://nodevember.org/talk/Rachel%20Simone%20Weil Fun, games, Javascript! Hooray! With the meteoric rise of node.js, there lies great potential to bring new people and perspectives into the wonderful world of coding. But for absolute beginners, the learning curve and installation process can be daunting. How can we draw in beginning coders and keep them engaged, even when the going gets tough? In this talk, Rachel Weil will describe how to apply node.js to the development of fun games, toys, and web apps that will inspire, engage, and motivate new coders. Weil will describe a few of the fun node.js projects she's built, such as a Twitter client for the 1980s NES game console and a machine-learning powered "Deal with It" meme-generating app. The discussion will then focus on using fun and games to bring in and retain new developers.